Western Ranch/ Pferde Stall in Ungarn zu verkaufen
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Western Ranch/ Pferde Stall in Ungarn zu verkaufen

Tipo de anuncio: Anuncio clasificado
Referencia del anuncio: 4013515
Fecha de publicación: 14/04/2024
llamada a los anuncios: 130
1.000.000,00 €
Vendedor básico
02788 Hirschfelde
+49 (0)15... Mostrar
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In Ungarn

Die Umgebung:
Die Ranch liegt in einem Naturschutzgebiet im landwirtschaftlichen Außenbereich der Gemeinde, umgeben von Wäldern, vereinzelten Ackerflächen und Grasland.
Die Ranch umfasst derzeit etwa 60 zusammenhängende Hektar. 
Die Gebäude der Ranch sind von 7 Pferdekoppeln auf 20 Hektar Weideland umgeben.
In den Wintermonaten werden die 16 Hektar Winterweide mit sandigem Boden, umgeben von Wald, genutzt.
Der Komplex ist ideal für Hochzeiten, Teambuilding-Veranstaltungen für Unternehmen und andere Events.
Der zentrale Hauptteil des Grundstücks ist eingezäunt, mit elektrischen Toren und einem umfassenden Videoüberwachungssystem.
In unmittelbarer Nähe des Anwesens befinden sich die schönsten Schutzgebiete des Kiskunság-Nationalparks, die über den Nationalen Gelben Pfad, der vor der Ranch vorbeiführt, leicht zu erreichen sind.
Der Kolon-See, ein Teil des UNESCO-Biosphärenreservats, ist nur 10 Minuten zu Fuß von der Ranch entfernt. Folgen Sie dem markierten Naturpfad entlang des Seeufers, um die herrliche und einzigartige Flora und Fauna des Parks zu beobachten.
Die Schönheit der Umgebung, die sanften Hügel, die uralten Tannenwälder, die sandigen Böden, die unvergleichlichen und schier endlosen Möglichkeiten zum Langlaufwandern haben sich bei den Gästen des Hofes schnell herumgesprochen.
Vogelbeobachter können sich dem Team in der Vogelbeobachtungsstation anschließen und an Sichtungen und Vogelbeobachtungen teilnehmen.
Ein urzeitlicher Farn inmitten von Sandhügeln im Naturschutzgebiet "Bikatorok", dem einzigen seiner Art in Europa, das direkt neben der Ranch beginnt, bietet den Besuchern einen unvergesslichen Anblick.
Das Grundstück liegt im Verwaltungsbezirk Izsák, in der Nähe des Kolon-Sees.
Es ist etwa 40 km von Kecskemét und etwa 7 km von der Hauptstraße 52 entfernt.
Die Liegenschaft ist über eine neu angelegte und laufend gewartete stabilisierte Schotterstraße von ca. 1,5 km Länge zu erreichen.
Über die Ranch:
In den letzten Jahren hat der Eigentümer ein im Land und vielleicht sogar in Europa einzigartiges Westernreitzentrum aufgebaut, in dem nicht nur ideale Bedingungen für Freizeit- und Geländeritte herrschen, sondern auch für Turniervorbereitung, Training und Zucht auf hohem Niveau.
Die Infrastruktur und die natürliche Umgebung bieten für all dies die perfekten Voraussetzungen. Auf dem Gelände wurden und werden Quarter Horses und Appaloosa-Pferde auf hohem Niveau gezüchtet und ausgebildet.
Seit 2001 finden auf der Anlage regelmäßig Camps für Kinder und Erwachsene, Workshops und mehrtägige Trainingseinheiten für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene statt, die unabhängig von Stil und Können die Grundlagen des Reinings vermitteln.
Viele Meisterschaften, auch z.B. Zentral-Europameisterschaft in Westernreiten sind hier schon organisiert worden.
Der Hof wurde von den Eigentümern kontinuierlich verbessert. 
Die letzte Renovierung erfolgte im Jahr 2023. 
Folgende Gebäude, Boxen und Reitplätze befinden sich derzeit auf der Ranch: (Alle sind zentral gelegen)
•	1 Stall mit 10 Boxen
•	5 Paddockboxen, mit Hufwaschanlage, Labor und Schmiede, mit Sattelkammer
•	60x30m Asche-Sand-Reiningbahn
•	70x35m Lehm-Sand-Reiningbahn
•	44x22m überdachter Reithalle mit Beleuchtung (gebaut 2007)
•	380 m2 überdachter Longierzirkel mit 22 m Durchmesser
Die Farm ist eine Gelegenheit für diejenigen, die sich in einer ruhigen, gemütlichen "Oase" im Einklang mit der Umwelt und der Natur entspannen möchten. Die Gästehäuser auf der Ranch sind der perfekte Ort, um genau das zu tun.
Derzeit verfügen die 2 Gästehäuser über insgesamt 10 Zimmer, einen Konferenzraum und einen geräumigen Aufenthaltsraum. 
Davon sind 4 Zimmer vollständig renoviert (2023) und 6 Zimmer werden gerade renoviert (nach Abschluss der Renovierung können 24 Personen untergebracht werden).
Die Zimmer sind ausgestattet mit:
•	Alle Zimmer haben ein eigenes Bad (WC, Dusche)
•	Die Zimmer verfügen über drei oder zwei Betten (Doppelbett).
•	Klimatisierung: Individuelle Heizung/Kühlung
•	Fernseher
Im Untergeschoss des Hauptgebäudes befindet sich ein behindertengerechtes Gästezimmer, und im letzten Jahr wurde auch ein Wellnessbereich eingerichtet.
Für Gäste, die des Reitens müde sind:
•	Jacuzzi für 6 Personen
•	Finnische und Infrarot-Sauna
•	Dampfkabine
•	Herren- und Damentoiletten, Umkleideräume, Duschen
•	Himalayasalz-Wand
Im Sommer gibt es auch ein 7,5 x 3,5 m großes (überdachtes) Außenschwimmbecken für diejenigen, die sich abkühlen möchten.
Zwischen den Gebäuden befindet sich eine große Rasen- und Landschaftsfläche mit einem automatischen Bewässerungssystem.
Die anspruchsvolle Gestaltung der Ranch, die hohe Qualität und Einzigartigkeit der angebotenen Dienstleistungen werden durch die Tatsache bestätigt, dass die Anlage in den letzten Jahren fast 100 % ihrer Gäste aus dem westeuropäischen Ausland angezogen hat und praktisch voll ausgelastet werden konnte.z

Übergabe Zeitraum: 1-4 Wochen.
Im Preis inbegriffen sind alle Geräte und Einrichtungen, die für den Betrieb des Hofs erforderlich sind.
Preis der Immobilie: EUR 1.000.000 (MNB-Leitkurs)

The farm is located in a conservation area in the outlying agricultural area of the municipality, surrounded by woodland, scattered farmland and grass pasture.
The ranch currently covers approximately 60 contiguous acres. 
The ranch buildings are surrounded by 7 paddocks on 20 acres of grass pasture.
During the winter months, the 16 acres of sandy-soil winter pasture surrounded by forest is used.
The complex is ideal for weddings, corporate team building events and other events.
The central 'major' part of the property is fenced off, with electric gates and a full video surveillance system.
In the immediate vicinity of the property are the most beautiful protected areas of the Kiskunság National Park, which can be easily accessed via the National Yellow Trail that passes in front of the ranch.
Kolon Lake, part of which is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, is a 10-minute walk from the ranch. Follow the marked nature trail along the shores of the lake to observe the magnificent and unique flora and fauna of the park. 
The beauty of the surroundings, the rolling hills, the primeval fir forest, the sandy soil, the unparalleled and almost endless opportunities for cross-country hiking have quickly become popular with guests visiting the farm.
Birdwatchers can join the team at the birdwatching base, take part in sightings and bird-watching sessions.
A primeval fern nestled among sand hummocks in a nature reserve called ’Bikatorok’, the only one of its kind in Europe, which starts right next to the ranch, offers visitors an unforgettable sight.
The property is located in the administrative district of Izsák, near the Kolon Lake.
It is about 40 km from Kecskemét and about 7 km from the main road 52.
The property can be reached via a recently constructed and continuously maintained stabilised gravel road of about 1,5 km length.
About the ranch:
Over the past few years, the owner has developed a western equestrian centre that is exceptional in the country and perhaps in Europe, where not only are the conditions ideal for recreational riding and cross-country riding, but also for high-level competition preparation, training and breeding.
The infrastructure and natural environment offer the perfect conditions for all of these. 
The area has been and is currently used for breeding and training Quarter horses and Appaloosa horses to a high standard. 
Since 2001, the facility has regularly hosted children's and adult camps, workshops and multi-day training sessions for beginners and advanced riders, regardless of style or skill level, teaching the basics of reining.
Many championships, including the Central European Championships in Western Riding, have already been organized here.
The farm has been continuously improved by the owners. The most recent renovation was in 2023.The following buildings, stalls and riding arenas are currently located on the ranch: (All are centrally located)
•	1 barn with 10 stalls
•	5 paddock stalls, with hoof wash, laboratory and blacksmith shop, with saddle room
•	60x30m cinder-sand reining track
•	70x35m clay-sand reining track
•	44x22m covered riding arena with lighting (built in 2007)
•	22m diameter, 380m2, covered round pen
The farm is an opportunity for those who want to relax in a quiet, homely "oasis", in harmony with the environment and nature. The guest houses on the ranch are the perfect place to do just that.
Currently, the 2 guest houses have a total of 10 rooms, plus a conference room and a spacious lounge. 
Of these, 4 have been fully renovated (2023) and 6 are in the process of being renovated (finishing this will allow the facility to accommodate 24 people).
The rooms are equipped with:
•	All rooms have private bathroom (toilet, shower)
•	Rooms have three or two beds (double bed).
•	Air cooling system: Individual heating / cooling
•	TV
On the lower level of the central building there is a guest room for disabled guests and also a wellness area has been added in the last year.
For guests tired of riding:
•	Jacuzzi for 6 persons
•	Finnish and infrared saunas
•	Steam cabin
•	Men's and women's toilets, changing rooms, showers
•	Himalayan salt wand

In summer, there is also a 7.5 x 3.5 metre outdoor (covered) swimming pool for those who want to cool off.
Between the buildings there is a large lawned and landscaped area with an automatic irrigation system.

The sophisticated design of the ranch and the high quality and uniqueness of the services provided are confirmed by the fact that in recent years the facility has attracted almost 100% of its guests from foreign countries in Western Europe and has been able to operate at practically full capacity.

Period of occupancy: 1-4 weeks
The price includes all the equipment and facilities needed to operate the horse farm.
Price of the property: EUR 1.000.000 (MNB central rate)
Este texto ha sido traducido automáticamente.
In Hungary

The surroundings:
The ranch is located in a nature reserve in the agricultural outskirts of the municipality, surrounded by forests, scattered farmland and grassland.
The ranch currently comprises about 60 contiguous hectares.
The ranch buildings are surrounded by 7 paddocks on 20 hectares of pastureland.
During the winter months, the 16 acres of winter pasture with sandy soil surrounded by woods are utilized.
The complex is ideal for weddings, corporate team building events and other events.
The main central part of the property is fenced, with electric gates and a comprehensive video surveillance system.
In the immediate vicinity of the property are the most beautiful protected areas of the Kiskunság National Park, which can be easily reached via the National Yellow Trail that passes in front of the ranch.
Kolon Lake, part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, is only a 10-minute walk from the ranch. Follow the marked nature trail along the lakeshore to observe the park's magnificent and unique flora and fauna.
The beauty of the surroundings, the rolling hills, the ancient fir forests, the sandy soils, the incomparable and almost endless possibilities for cross-country skiing have quickly spread among the guests of the farm.
Birdwatchers can join the team at the bird watching station and take part in sightings and bird watching.
A primeval fern among sand hills in the "Bikatorok" nature reserve, the only one of its kind in Europe, which starts right next to the ranch, offers visitors an unforgettable sight.
The property is located in the administrative district of Izsák, near Lake Kolon.
It is about 40 km from Kecskemét and about 7 km from the main road 52.
The property can be reached via a newly constructed and continuously maintained stabilized gravel road about 1.5 km long.
About the ranch:
In recent years, the owner has built a western riding center that is unique in the country and perhaps even in Europe, with ideal conditions not only for recreational and cross-country riding, but also for tournament preparation, training and breeding at a high level.
The infrastructure and natural surroundings offer the perfect conditions for all of this. Quarter horses and Appaloosa horses are bred and trained to a high standard on the premises.
Since 2001, regular camps for children and adults, workshops and multi-day training sessions for beginners and advanced riders have been held at the facility, teaching the basics of reining regardless of style and ability.
Many championships, including the Central European Championships in Western Riding, have been organized here.
The yard has been continuously improved by the owners.
The last renovation took place in 2023.
The following buildings, boxes and riding arenas are currently located on the ranch: (All are centrally located)
- 1 stable with 10 boxes
- 5 paddock boxes, with hoof washing facility, laboratory and forge, with tack room
- 60x30m cinder-sand cleaning track
- 70x35m clay-sand cleaning area
- 44x22m covered riding arena with lighting (built in 2007)
- 380 m2 covered lunging circle with a diameter of 22 m
The farm is an opportunity for those who want to relax in a quiet, cozy "oasis" in harmony with the environment and nature. The guest houses on the ranch are the perfect place to do just that.
Currently, the 2 guest houses have a total of 10 rooms, a conference room and a spacious lounge.
Of these, 4 rooms are fully renovated (2023) and 6 rooms are currently being renovated (once the renovation is complete, 24 people can be accommodated).
The rooms are equipped with:
- All rooms have their own bathroom (WC, shower)
- The rooms have three or two beds (double bed)
- Air conditioning: Individual heating/cooling
- Television
In the basement of the main building there is a handicapped accessible guest room, and last year a wellness area was also set up.
For guests who are tired of riding:
- Jacuzzi for 6 people
- Finnish and infrared sauna
- Steam cabin
- Men's and women's toilets, changing rooms, showers
- Himalayan salt wall
In summer there is also a 7.5 x 3.5 m (covered) outdoor swimming pool for those who want to cool off.
Between the buildings there is a large lawn and landscaped area with an automatic irrigation system.
The sophisticated design of the ranch, the high quality and uniqueness of the services offered are confirmed by the fact that the facility has attracted almost 100% of its guests from other Western European countries in recent years and has been able to operate at practically full capacity.z

Handover period: 1-4 weeks.
The price includes all equipment and facilities necessary for the operation of the farm.
Price of the property: EUR 1,000,000 (MNB central rate)

The farm is located in a conservation area in the outlying agricultural area of the municipality, surrounded by woodland, scattered farmland and grass pasture.
The ranch currently covers approximately 60 contiguous acres.
The ranch buildings are surrounded by 7 paddocks on 20 acres of grass pasture.
During the winter months, the 16 acres of sandy-soil winter pasture surrounded by forest is used.
The complex is ideal for weddings, corporate team building events and other events.
The central 'major' part of the property is fenced off, with electric gates and a full video surveillance system.
In the immediate vicinity of the property are the most beautiful protected areas of the Kiskunság National Park, which can be easily accessed via the National Yellow Trail that passes in front of the ranch.
Kolon Lake, part of which is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, is a 10-minute walk from the ranch. Follow the marked nature trail along the shores of the lake to observe the magnificent and unique flora and fauna of the park.
The beauty of the surroundings, the rolling hills, the primeval fir forest, the sandy soil, the unparalleled and almost endless opportunities for cross-country hiking have quickly become popular with guests visiting the farm.
Birdwatchers can join the team at the birdwatching base, take part in sightings and bird-watching sessions.
A primeval fern nestled among sand hummocks in a nature reserve called 'Bikatorok', the only one of its kind in Europe, which starts right next to the ranch, offers visitors an unforgettable sight.
The property is located in the administrative district of Izsák, near the Kolon Lake.
It is about 40 km from Kecskemét and about 7 km from the main road 52.
The property can be reached via a recently constructed and continuously maintained stabilized gravel road of about 1,5 km length.
About the ranch:
Over the past few years, the owner has developed a western equestrian center that is exceptional in the country and perhaps in Europe, where not only are the conditions ideal for recreational riding and cross-country riding, but also for high-level competition preparation, training and breeding.
The infrastructure and natural environment offer the perfect conditions for all of these.
The area has been and is currently used for breeding and training Quarter horses and Appaloosa horses to a high standard.
Since 2001, the facility has regularly hosted children's and adult camps, workshops and multi-day training sessions for beginners and advanced riders, regardless of style or skill level, teaching the basics of reining.
Many championships, including the Central European Championships in Western Riding, have already been organized here.
The farm has been continuously improved by the owners. The most recent renovation was in 2023.The following buildings, stables and riding arenas are currently located on the ranch: (All are centrally located)
- 1 barn with 10 stables
- 5 paddock stables, with hoof wash, laboratory and blacksmith store, with saddle room
- 60x30m cinder-sand reining track
- 70x35m clay-sand reining track
- 44x22m covered riding arena with lighting (built in 2007)
- 22m diameter, 380m2, covered round pen
The farm is an opportunity for those who want to relax in a quiet, homely "oasis", in harmony with the environment and nature. The guest houses on the ranch are the perfect place to do just that.
Currently, the 2 guest houses have a total of 10 rooms, plus a conference room and a spacious lounge.
Of these, 4 have been fully renovated (2023) and 6 are in the process of being renovated (finishing this will allow the facility to accommodate 24 people).
The rooms are equipped with:
- All rooms have private bathroom (toilet, shower)
- Rooms have three or two beds (double bed).
- Air cooling system: Individual heating / cooling
- TV
On the lower level of the central building there is a guest room for disabled guests and also a wellness area has been added in the last year.
For guests tired of riding:
- Jacuzzi for 6 persons
- Finnish and infrared saunas
- Steam cabin
- Men's and women's toilets, changing rooms, showers
- Himalayan salt wall

In summer, there is also a 7.5 x 3.5 metre outdoor (covered) swimming pool for those who want to cool off.
Between the buildings there is a large lawned and landscaped area with an automatic irrigation system.

The sophisticated design of the ranch and the high quality and uniqueness of the services provided are confirmed by the fact that in recent years the facility has attracted almost 100% of its guests from foreign countries in Western Europe and has been able to operate at practically full capacity.

Period of occupancy: 1-4 weeks
The price includes all the equipment and facilities needed to operate the horse farm.
Price of the property: EUR 1.000.000 (MNB central rate)


6070 Izsák


Vendedor básico
02788 Hirschfelde

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